helps caring adults navigate teen culture through a biblical lens to equip them for meaningful conversations that build lifelong connections. They joined us at GROW: Online to walk us through teen culture and the impact of that on families during this COVID-19 pandemic.

A Free Resource
Axis has provided us with this parent and leader guide on how to lead a conversation on fear and worry with your teen. Their material is targeted for ages 8-18.
This guide was sent out to all who attended GROW Online in the event recap email. If you would like a copy, please request a copy via email at
How can Axis help?
Parent Guides: these are downloadable PDFs to help you understand the things your teens face, how to have conversations about them, and how to biblically disciple the teens in your life into lifelong faith through it all. Click here (for purchase - see note under All Access Pass below)
Blog: subcribe to their free blog where they discuss parenting, pop culture, social media, technology, sexuality and more! Click here (free)
Conversation Kits: These are video conversation starters to help you learn and discuss these issues gender, pornography, suicide, and drugs as well as philosophical concepts like evangelism, leadership, identity, and relationships with you teen(s). These topics are a tool for drawing parents and teens closer together. Click here (for purchase - see note under All Access Pass below)
Culture Translator: These are downloadable PDFs to help you understand the things your teens face, how to have conversations about them, and how to biblically disciple the teens in your life into lifelong faith through it all. Click here (for purchase - see note under All Access Pass below)
Facebook Page: Check out their page for Facebook lives, blog links, and even fun things like slang updates (literally just keeping you up to date with the latest terms teens are using). Click here (free)
All Access Pass: Our Canada/USA NYI board is working with our local Canada Central NYI to get special pricing for our district churches and the families within them. The projected time for this announcement is between June-August 2020. Our district NYI wants these resources to be easily available to our churches and so please refrain from buying an all access pass until they announce that to you.
What is included in the All Axis Pass worth?
The Culture Translator Premium (valued at $30USD)
Parent Guides (90+ for $1.99 each valued at $180USD)
Conversation Kits (17+ for $10 each valued at $170USD)
Expert Interview Summits (5 for $89.50 each valued at $447USD)
10-Day Teen Talks (6 for $25 each valued at $150USD)
Family Experiences (3 for $49 each valued at $147USD)